October Tag Sale

Last month's tag sale was quite popular, so the Fairy Goodmothers are rolling the sale racks out once again to host a October Tag Sale!
We have a lot of treasures, so come get a gem! Find a homecoming dress, a Halloween costume, a one of a kind vintage piece, or even some costume jewelry! No need to sign up, anyone can come shop, so please pass it on.
The Tag Sale will be held Saturday, October 5th from 9:00am-12:00pn at our storefront at The Shops at Worthington Place (7227 N. High Street, Worthington, OH 43085; West Entrance, Near Amano's Pizza).
Short & Long Dresses - $10
Cash and Credit Cards accepted! All funds raised from the Tag Sale will go towards operations and purchasing dresses in hard-to-find sizes.